
Vongola Decimo's Guardians

Also known as the “Vongola Decimo”, the 10th Generation Boss who is said to have inherited the will of the First Vongola Boss, Giotto, Tsuna became the reluctant boss of the Vongola, often denying his role. Tsuna doesn't see himself as the boss, but rather fights to protect those he cares about.
Tsuna has a tendency to accept anyone, even past enemies, a trait which he shares with the Vongola Primo.
Respected by his Guardians and the current Vongola boss, the Ninth, Tsuna is said to have what it takes to steer the Vongola to what it originally was, a vigilante group, and clear its blood-stained name.
Tsuna's understanding of his Guardians and acceptance of past enemies fulfills the role of the Vongola Sky Boss which is "Rain, Storm, Cloud, Sun, Mist, and Lightning, he influences all of them. He understands and accepts all of them."

The Storm Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Gokudera follows his boss through thick and thin, and initially didn't mind dying for the sake of the Vongola. However, after getting to know his boss better, Gokudera's suicide-like tendencies subsided, and now looks to somehow survive each battle, so as to be able to laugh with his friends again once the battle is over.
Gokudera's pride is in being a Guardian, and in the future he achieves his dream of becoming the right hand man of Tsuna. He's said to resemble his predecessor G. in personality and fighting style. His fighting style and personality fits the role of the Vongola Guardian of Storm, which is "Continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious Storm that never rests."

The Rain Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Yamamoto initially believed that the "mafia" was a game being played by his friends, and joined willingly, eager to be part of the group.
Yamamoto is the sole swordsman among the Guardians, a trait he shares with the 1st Generation Vongola Rain Guardian Asari Ugetsu. Yamamoto is extremely proud of his sword style, the Shigure Soen, which he inherited from his father, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, often saying that his sword style is a perfect style and second to none, and will not let anyone look down on it.
Although generally friendly, Yamamoto is quite powerful in battle, often defying the odds by beating opponents said to be more powerful than him. His agility and reflexes have people calling him a natural-born hitman.
Yamamoto is one of the more calm people among the 10th Generation Guardians, and has often solved any squabbles that may arise, and thus fulfills the role of the Rain Guardian which is "To become a blessed shower that settles conflict and washes everything away."  

The highly energetic Sun Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Ryohei has the tendency to overdo whatever he sets out to do. Whether its a 1000 push-ups or early morning jogs, Ryohei does whatever it takes to stay in prime condition.
Ryohei's pride is his boxing, a trait he shares with the First Generation Sun Guardian Knuckle. He is willing to bet it all on his boxing and bases his fights on the rules of boxing, such as a fight always being one-on-one. The Sun Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia does whatever is required of him to protect his friends, Famiglia, and family, even if it puts his own body at risk, and thus fulfills the role of the Vongola Sun Guardian, which is "Destroying the misfortune that attacks the Famiglia with their own body, they become the Sun that brightly shines upon an area." 

The Cloud Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Kyoya Hibari is a person who hates crowds and prefers to be alone.
Often regarded as the strongest Guardian of the 10th Generation Famiglia, Hibari has a lust for battle, and enjoys battling strong opponents. The respect he has for a person depends on the strength of the individual.
Hibari's lone wolf attitude is a trait he shares with the first generation Cloud Guardian, Alaude, as they both hated company, and prefered to do things alone. Although he has the tendency to distance himself from the rest of the Famiglia, Hibari will step in if his comrades are in danger. His ability in battle and his lone wolf attitude fulfills the role of the Cloud Guardian in the Vongola Famiglia, which is "To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Family from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind".  

The Lightning Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, originally from the Bovino Famiglia, Lambo is a 5-year-old kid with an overly large ego. Lambo is by far the youngest 10th generation Guardian, and, as such, the rest of the Guardians try to keep him out of battle as much as they possibly can.
Lambo has the tendency to irritate those around him with his behavior and way of thinking. However his family care for him greatly, going to great lengths to keep him safe.
The few times that Lambo does battle, he uses the Ten Year Bazooka to switch with his 15 year old self. As a 15 year old, Lambo's combat capabilities have greatly improved, and he gives off a calmer and more subtle aura. When he uses the Ten Year Bazooka on his 15 year old self, he switches with his 25 year old self. With his powers improved greatly, 25 year old Lambo can summon a much powerful attack.
Due to being struck by lightning countless times, Lambo's physiology has changed in such a way that Lambo's skin can easily conduct electricity, thus allowing him to fulfill the role of the Vongola Lightning Guardian, which is "To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Famiglia, serving as a lightning rod." 

The 10th Generation Vongola Mist Guardian, Mukuro was initially an enemy of the 10th Generation Famiglia, looking to take over Tsuna's body in his bid to destroy the Mafia; however, after his defeat at the hands of Tsuna, Tsuna's father, Iemitsu Sawada, offered him the position of the Mist Guardian in return for protecting his friends, Ken and Chikusa. Since then, Mukuro has aided the Vongola many times, always stating that he will one day take over Tsuna. However, due to Mukuro being locked away in the Vendicare Prison, his participation is limited. Due to this, Chrome Dokuro, one of his followers, assumes the role of the Mist Guardian during his absence. If the situation demands it, Mukuro can take over Chrome's body and fight. Mukuro's way of deceit and his mastery of illusions fullfills the role of the Vongola Mist Guardian, which is "Creating something from nothing, and nothing from something; thus bewildering the enemy, to render the Famiglia's true form intangible with visions of deceit."

The co-Vongola Mist Guardian. She is Mukuro's subordinate who acted as his vessel while Mukuro was imprisoned in Vendicare Prison. She was originally named Nagi until she almost died in a traffic accident trying to save a cat where she lost many of her inner organs. That lead to her meeting with Mukuro in his dream world, who saved her life by creating illusionary organs for her, renaming her "Chrome Dokuro." Her personality vastly contrasts with Mukuro's; while Mukuro is cold and intimidating, Chrome is shy and timid. Due to her nature, she would never open up to anyone and would run away from any sign of kindness. However, through the encouragement from her friends, Chrome slowly broke through from her shell and became determined to become strong to fulfill her role as Guardian and to protect those who she held dear.  

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