Title: First Generation Vongola Sun Guardian
Gender: Male
Fandom Number: 79
Flame: Sun
Knuckle is known as Vongola Primo's Sun Guardian as well as an undefeated boxing champion. Due to his sheer strength, he accidentally killed (incapacitated in the anime) an opponent during a match and soon after dedicated his life to religion. At his Family's moment of crisis however, he gave himself three minutes to fight and managed to save his friends when they truly needed him. The First Sun Guardian and Ryohei, Vongola Decimo's Sun Guardian have a strong resemblance in their weapon of choice, their way of fighting, their personalities and their physical features.
Knuckle wears a black golden trimmed priest robe with a red scarf around his shoulders. He has dirty honey colored eyes and dark brown almost black hair. He wears a white bandage over his nose, similar to Ryohei.
His speech is just like how Ryohei likes to invoke the word "極限" (reads as "kyokugen" and roughly translates as "extreme"), where he too repeated the word "究極" (reads as "kyuukyoku" and translates as "ultimate") quite often.
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