Supporting Characters

He is the 22-year-old 10th Boss of the Chiavarone Famiglia, which is the number three Famiglia in its Mafia alliance with the Vongola Famiglia. The Chiavarone is also one of the largest Famiglia, with over 5,000 members, though only a few have been named. Dino is a young man with great leadership skills along with great combat skills. His main weapons are a bullwhip and his pet turtle, Enzo. Like Tsuna, Dino, at first did not want anything to do with the Mafia and was also a klutz. He became a suitable Mafia Boss after Reborn became his home tutor. He came to be known as "Bucking Horse Dino," which later became Bronco Dino and fixed the Chiavarone's financial problems, turning them into the third most influential Famiglia. Unfortunately, Dino is so devoted to his Famiglia that when none of his Famiglia Members are around, his skills decrease dramatically, and he will often accidentally hit people with his whip and fall down stairs, among other things. 
Bianchi is Gokudera's half-sister; they share the same father. Bianchi, known as "Poison Scorpion Bianchi" in the Mafia world, Bianchi specializes in Poison Cooking, a technique that turns any food she makes into poison, regardless of whether or not it's intentional. Bianchi herself is immune to Poison Cooking and believes that she is quite an excellent cook. She is in love with Reborn, who was a former associate of hers, and wants to kill Tsuna to free up Reborn's schedule; though, she refuses to kill him for the benefit of others. She cares deeply for her half-brother Gokudera, always attempting to help him, and gets happy if he shows signs that cares for her. As she gets to know Tsuna, she becomes more caring of the Vongola, as shown in the future. Her future self acts as an older sister for Haru and Kyoko and shows concern for Chrome, hinting a kind side of her.
Timoteo is the Ninth and current Boss of the Vongola Famiglia at the beginning of the series. He is 70 years old, and it is implied that he is becoming too weak to lead the Famiglia, which is why he searches for his successor. It is revealed that he has been plagued with problems concerning his legs, thereby limiting his mobility. Like Tsuna and Giotto, Timoteo also knows how to use the Zero Point Breakthrough, using it to stop Xanxus's rebellion during the Cradle incident. Timoteo's stamp is the Dying Will Flame; he marks documents with his Sky Flame, proving that they are official. Not much has been revealed about Timoteo's past, but he used to frequently visit Tsuna while he was just a child. Xanxus had been born into a different family and not Timoteo's family; however, when Xanxus's mother saw his Sky Flame, she became obsessed with the delusion that he was the son of Timoteo and herself. She then brought Xanxus upon Timoteo and he showed him his Sky Flame. It was then that Timoteo had adopted Xanxus. Eight years prior to the Varia Arc, Xanxus had planned a coup d'etat, or an attempt to overthrow Timoteo. This became known as the largest coup d'etat in Vongola history, and was nicknamed the "Cradle Affair." During this time, Xanxus and Timoteo were forced into battle, with Timoteo sealing Xanxus through the Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition.
Enma Kozato is a rather gloomy and introverted transfer student at Namimori Middle School. Enma is the boss of the Simon Famiglia and previously attended Simon Middle School, but he and his Guardians transferred to Namimori after an earthquake hit their area. They chose Namimori because it is relatively earthquake free and they are invited to the Vongola Decimo's Inheritance Ceremony. His red eyes have a symbol very similar to the crest on his ring. Enma is the tenth boss of the Simon Famiglia, a once powerful and dominant mafia that has shrank because of Vongola Primo's supposed "betrayal" of them. He was once resentful towards the Vongola for making him and his Guardians suffer losses of their families. Enma has a laid-back appearance and is inferior in stature to many around him. He has both red eyes and red hair. The pupils of his eyes take the shape of the four pointers of a compass. He is a thin teen with a short build and he wears the usual Simon school uniform. When not in his traditional uniform, he has been seen wearing a normal sweatshirt and jeans. He seems to slouch while sitting and buckles his knees near his midsection. When in Dying Will Mode, he has the Earth Flame ignited on his forehead. His social skills are poor at best; his shy demeanor and quiet voice make him an easy target for bullying. He appears to be weak-minded, even to the point that Hana Kurokawa describes him as "the type who'd get teased a lot." He reminds Tsuna of the way he used to be (and, in many aspects, still is). He seems to have a dislike for the Mafia, and has commented that he has on many occasions considered running away from it. Enma also does not have the respect of some of his own members of his Famiglia, mainly from Koyo, who tends to call him "Loser Enma." Enma however does seem to have serious side to him that he keeps hidden from others. An example of this would be when he gave Tsuna a cold glare and told him that they weren't in the same category because his Famiglia was weak and small and that Tsuna would never understand their pain. Reborn also stated that he felt a side to Enma that he has never felt from him just after they were attacked by hitmen sent to stop the ceremony.
Xanxus is the current leader of the Varia, Vongola IX's adopted son, and the main antagonist of the Varia Arc. He was born into poverty with just his mentally ill mother to care for him. His mother discovered his Flame of Wrath when he was very young and brought him to Vongola IX. When she and Xanxus confronted the 9th, he took Xanxus and placed his scarf around him, agreeing that he was indeed his son even though he had never seen this woman or her son before. During the Varia Arc, he and Tsuna battle for the Sky Vongola Ring and the position of the 10th Vongola Boss. Later, in the Future Arc, he remains the leader of the Varia and leads a raid against the Millefiore, taking their Headquarters. He battles against one of the Fake Funeral Wreaths as well and easily wins, showing that he has grown much stronger in the future.
Xanxus is seen with full-body scars inflicted by the Ninth's Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition, the most recognizable the large one on his left cheek. During the Varia Arc, his hair is spiky and he has a buzz cut on the sides. It is also adorned with feathers and an animal tail (most speculate this to be a raccoon) at the nape of his neck, coming over his left shoulder to rest in the front. He also wears a Varia uniform jacket on his shoulders, much like a cape. He matches it with a white dress shirt, black pants, and a loosely knotted tie, along with black boots, also having a tattoo on his left shoulder. In the Future Arc roughly 10 years later, his hair has grown out and is no longer severely spiked. He has removed the animal tail, and his hair is instead adorned with fewer feathers and beads. He also has tattooed a black Roman numeral X to both his shoulders rather than just one. His boots in the Future Arc are laced-up, and later, he is seen in boots with exaggerated fold-over cuffs, similar to pirate boots.
Haru Miura is the girl who likes Tsuna, and attends Midori Middle School, one of the toughest elite schools to get into in the area. This contradicts with her upbeat and enthusiastic personality, as well as being known to be somewhat of an airhead. Despite this, she is one of the few characters to know that Tsuna is actually associated with the Mafia, although she doesn't know the complicated details (she once said that she would one day become the wife of a mafioso). She initially adored Reborn, but after she was saved by Tsuna, she diverted her adoration towards him instead. As stated by Tsuna during the Choice Arc both Kyoko and Haru showed amazing strength of character while enduring the trials of living in the future. This gives evidence to the fact that while Haru is eccentric she has the resolve of a true Mafioso. She loves children and is usually the one to babysit Lambo and I-Pin. She also seems to be very talented at sewing, as she is able to make multiple detailed costumes and dolls. She and Kyoko excel at cooking as well. Haru seems to be on good terms with everyone in the Family (save Gokudera whom she often bickers with due to their equal tempers) and genuinely wants to help them in any way she can. According to Tsuna and Gokudera, Future Haru has become more feminine, but her way of thinking is still the same. After Reborn told Haru of the devastation in the Future, hiding from her details about the Mafia, Haru seems to lose her calm and cries, begging to be taken back home, leading Kyoko to comfort her. During the Future Arc, Tsuna yells at her and says that she doesn't know anything. Holding back her tears, Haru states that she is always there to listen but that Tsuna has never tried to explain anything. Though she leaves the room crying, they later reconcile after Tsuna apologizes. After Tsuna explains everything that has been going on in the mafia Haru hesitates slightly before thanking Tsuna for telling her everything, similar to Kyoko's reaction. Though Tsuna senses something is wrong he leaves her alone in the kitchen where she promptly breaks down and cries. Bianchi comforts her while she laments the fact that while she knew the truth about Tsuna she had no idea the situation was so serious and as such she felt very selfish.
Kyoko Sasagawa is the girl that Tsuna admires and has a crush on, attending the same school as Tsuna, Namimori Middle School. She is the younger sister of the Vongola Sun Guardian, Ryohei Sasagawa. Kyoko is somewhat airheaded, not questioning the idea of an infant being in the Mafia. Her personality is more quiet and polite, and not much is known about her true feelings for Tsuna; however, she obviously views him as a close friend. She dislikes fighting and is always worried for Ryohei after he had obtained an injury while protecting for her. She is generally portrayed as a kind and caring character.
Iemitsu Sawada is the father of 10th Generation Vongola Boss, Tsunayoshi Sawada. He is also the leader of the CEDEF, Basil's master, and the External Advisor to the IX Generation's Vongola Boss, Timoteo. Iemitsu, unlike the rest of his family, possesses blond hair and a muscular build. When casual, he wears a white tank top and orange jeans. His orange jacket is tied around his waist. He has been seen to wear boxer shorts. Iemitsu is a very happy-go-lucky person and loves to drink, sleep, and dream of his wife, Nana . When he left home, he wanted Nana to tell Tsuna that he'd gone away and "become a star," a euphemism for dying. His cover story was that he was working traffic at construction sites, but he was really away on Vongola business.

Basil is a member of CEDEF and is Tsuna's dad, Iemitsu's, apprentice. Basil is an extremely skilled fighter and is very loyal to Iemitsu and his son, Tsuna. Because of his loyalty, Iemitsu trusts him enough to send him off to extremely difficult missions. He is introduced in the early Varia Arc and turns into a reoccurring character, frequently showing up throughout the series. Basil has dirty blond hair and is of Italian descent. It seems that he learned Japanese from a very old source because he speaks with outdated terms, equivalents of "Thou," "Thee," and "Thy" in English. He uses a Metal Edge weapon in direct combat. Basil is the first person in the series, other than Tsuna, to go into Hyper Dying Will Mode. Iemitsu, his master, gave him the Dying Will Pills that Basil uses to go into Dying Will Mode, which were later given to Tsuna as a gift after the Varia Arc, before going back to Italy with Lancia. His Blade and Tsuna's X-Gloves may have originated from the same material, seeing as Basil is able to utilize his Rain Flame to light it. He made a big difference when helping Tsuna train before Tsuna's fight with Xanxus. Toward the end it would seem that Basil and Tsuna created a strong bond between them.