
Daemon Spade [D・スペード]

Daemon Spade
Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Mist Guardian
        Second Generation Vongola Mist Guardian
Gender: Male
Fandom Abbreviation: Dae
Flame: Mist

Daemon Spade was the First Generation Vongola Mist Guardian who betrayed Vongola Primo in the past and also became the Second Generation Vongola Mist Guardian after Primo's forced resignation as the Vongola Boss. He is a powerful and dangerous illusionist that has been known to place a curse of death on people whom he had glared at through his lens. He serves as the primary villain in the Inheritance Ceremony Arc. 

At his first appearance as Primo's Mist Guardian, he wore a French-like blue military uniform that he sometimes buttoned, yellow epaulette (a type of ornamental shoulder piece), white long pants, and brown boots. He wore a red shirt beneath his uniform (in the manga he wore a white suit) and wore his lens on his neck like a necklace. And like Mukuro, he also has a blue haired pineapple hairstyle but shorter with two zigzag partings, lighter hair color and has bangs. Later, in the Inheritance Ceremony Arc, when he possessed Julie's body, he's shown to have longer hair much like Mukuro but still has his bangs. He's shown to wear a grey jacket, white long pants, silver belt, black gloves on his left hand, black boots with a spade pattern and black suit with white ties behind the jacket. After possessing Mukuro's body, he still retains his pineapple hairstyle and has much longer hair that falls below his waist and is tied at the tips form a distinctive dolphin-tail split. He wears a different outfit, a different French-like military uniform that consisted of a white-colored cloth with the Vongola emblem pattern on its buttons, and a pair of spaulders with the same Vongola emblem and a spade, white gloves, black pants, and white boots. Since he was possessing Mukuro's body, his right eye is red-colored. 

He used to be kind and compassionate, having the desire to protect the weak and defenseless, much like Giotto. From his experience as an aristocrat, he felt that no matter what position people had in life, highly capable people should become the backbone of society. He deeply loved the Vongola Famiglia that fulfilled their goal to protect people and fix the outlaws along with his lover, Elena, and dedicated everything he had for the Famiglia. However, after Elena's death, he became arrogant, ruthless, cruel, inconsiderate, and merciless to enemies like Mukuro is. He is very obsessive with strength and power due to his strong devotion to the promise he made with Elena, wanting to make Vongola the strongest organization which can easily crush other Mafia Famiglias, a heavy contradiction with the opinions of Primo and the other Guardians. His devotion is strong enough to prompt him to be a member of Vongola for two generations. He never wanted the Vongola Famiglia to fall apart, stating that weak people don't deserve to live, viewing Giotto's softness as disturbance for his ideal Vongola Famiglia. He truly believed that in Mafia world, power and greed are the absolute justice and thinks that Giotto isn't worthy to become the boss, which eventually led to his betrayal. He will do anything in order to create the Vongola that he desires and has no hesitation to kill innocent people whether they are children or women in order to achieve that. This devotion continues even after many generations and led to his decision to annihilate Tsuna's Family and recreate the Vongola in his image. It is also shown that he look down on people of the past, seeing them as merely a dead people who are buried in ground and felt somewhat insulted when Giotto and Cozarto mess with him by giving Tsuna their Flames that still live within Sky Vongola Ring and Earth Simon Ring, despite been already dead. Despite this, however, he discreetly still treasures his bond with Primo and the other Guardians, evidenced by his treasuring of the pocket-watch that Primo gave to him and the other Guardians. 

Lampo [ランポウ]

Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Lightning Guardian
Gender: Male
Flame: Lightning

Lampo was the son of the Lord of the Land. He was very cowardly and spoiled, but Giotto made him fight anyway. He was known as the Lightning with hidden ferocity. He resembles fifteen year old Lambo, but is spoiled like five year old Lambo. 

He is very spoiled and cowardly like Lambo, his cowardly side evidenced in Volume 34, where a side picture reveals that he was reluctant to help the Simon Famiglia during the massive Mafia war even when Giotto ordered him to. He also has shown to think highly of himself due to his position as son of the lord, like when he introduced himself to Lambo. He also seems lazy on doing his duty as a Vongola Guardian; he refused to deem Lambo worthy before he even tested him until Giotto convinced him, and even then, he made Lambo's inheritance test easy just so he could finish his duty quickly. Ironically, he also stated that he disliked kids like Lambo and could not stand them while his character was such. 

Lampo has light green hair and electric blue eyes. He has a small black lightning bolt symbol near his right eye. Lampo wears a white flannel shirt that has leather ties around the wrists, and he also wears black pants.

Alaude [アラウディ]

Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Cloud Guardian
        First Vongola External Advisor
        First CEDEF Boss and Founder 
Gender: Male
Fandom Letter: A
Flame: Cloud

Alaude headed a secret intelligence agency in an unidentified country and is also the first external advisor of CEDEF. He physically resembles Kyoya Hibari, and despite their preference for solitude, Dino notes that they both show benevolence towards allies, even though Hibari's manner of doing so is outwardly unfriendly and even violent. His weapon of choice was known as "Alaude's Handcuff"s, and Hibari's Cloud Hedgehog Roll can Cambio Forma into a similar Weapon. 

Alaude has blondish-tan hair and ice blue eyes. He wears a buttoned trench coat which is a dark shade of gray, his tie is black and he wears a dark purple-grey dress shirt. 

Similar with Hibari, Alaude is a loner, prefering to work alone, unsocial due to feeling binded, confident with his own strength and power and not interested in fighting opponents that do not warrant their attention (Just like when he refused to fight Hibari because he said that has no interest in fighting "a mere child"). Despite this, whenever his comrades are in trouble, he will help them and show benevolence towards them more than anyone else; however, unlike Hibari, Alaude seems to be much more level-headed, matured and calmer, though Knuckle noted that when Alaude was younger, he shared Hibari's bloodlust.

Knuckle [ナックル]

Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Sun Guardian
Gender: Male
Fandom Number: 79
Flame: Sun

Knuckle is known as Vongola Primo's Sun Guardian as well as an undefeated boxing champion. Due to his sheer strength, he accidentally killed (incapacitated in the anime) an opponent during a match and soon after dedicated his life to religion. At his Family's moment of crisis however, he gave himself three minutes to fight and managed to save his friends when they truly needed him. The First Sun Guardian and Ryohei, Vongola Decimo's Sun Guardian have a strong resemblance in their weapon of choice, their way of fighting, their personalities and their physical features. 

Knuckle wears a black golden trimmed priest robe with a red scarf around his shoulders. He has dirty honey colored eyes and dark brown almost black hair. He wears a white bandage over his nose, similar to Ryohei.

His speech is just like how Ryohei likes to invoke the word "極限" (reads as "kyokugen" and roughly translates as "extreme"), where he too repeated the word "究極" (reads as "kyuukyoku" and translates as "ultimate") quite often. 

Asari Ugetsu [朝利 雨月]

Asari Ugetsu
Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Rain Guardian
Gender: Male
Flame: Rain
Fandom Letter: U

Ugetsu Asari was a Japanese man who loved music. It was said that there was no one who could match his skills with the blade. He physically resembles Yamamoto, and Reborn compared Yamamoto giving up baseball to the first Rain Guardian giving up music: both did so to excel at swordsmanship for the sake of their friends in the Vongola Famiglia. Specifically, he sold his instruments for a trio of short swords and a single long sword. Kojirou's Cambio Forma can form into similar swords called "Ugetsu Asari's Four Irregular Swords". He speaks with a Japanese accent that existed in the Heian period that was used by high class samurai, ninja, and nobles. 

Similar to Yamamoto, he's friendly and easy going, though, he's much more polite and soft-spoken in manner. He cares for his friends and Family and is willing to give up his dream to help them; he had given up his flute in exchange for swords and payment to Italy when Giotto was in trouble. He also excels in swordsmanship.

Asari's outfit - blue and white robe with a tall black hat - was worn by noblemen at the Imperial Court of Japan during the Heian era (794-1185). He has black hair and dark eyes. Asari is Japanese and is often seen with a dark brown shakuhachi, which is a Japanese flute. 


Status: Deceased
Title: First Generation Vongola Storm Guardian
        Giotto's Right-Hand Man 
Gender: Male
Fandom Number: 02
Flame: Storm

G. was Giotto's childhood friend. He helped Giotto form a vigilante group that became the core of the Vongola Famiglia. Like Giotto, he also shares a close friendship with the Simon Primo, Cozarto. Along with Giotto, he met Cozarto when they returned his wallet that he dropped on purpose for their acquaintance, Paolo, due to his master's horrible treatment towards him. They became friends after Giotto revealed that they had also done the same thing for Paolo by dropping off the food they bought. When Franco, a florist and acquaintance of G., Giotto, and Cozart was attacked and heavily injured by thugs because he refused to give them a 90% off discount, G. and Giotto arrived at his shop and had enough of it, prompting Cozarto to suggest a vigilante group if the law couldn't protect them and the civilians. During the middle of the massive Mafia war between Vongola and its rival Family, Giotto, G., and the other Guardians discussed their next tactic in the Vongola Mansion until Knuckle interrupted and informed them that Cozarto and his Famiglia were cornered by the enemies due to Daemon Spade's scheme. When Daemon offered to help the Simon, knowing Daemon's true intention, Giotto ordered G. and the rest of the Guardians to disguise themselves as Daemon's subordinates and secretly save Cozarto and his family. When they arrived at Cozarto's place and revealed themselves, G. told Cozart to trust them and leave the rest to them while he and Cozarto went to where Giotto was.

G. has chin-length pale, almost pink, red hair. His eyes are a shade darker than his hair. He has a red tattoo on the right side of his face that looks similar to a Storm Flame. He wears a white collared shirt which is unbuttoned a few buttons, black pants and he had a dark green tie that hangs loosely around his neck. In the manga, he is usually seen smoking.

He's shown to be similar to Gokudera; he speaks in rough manner and also easy to get angry when it comes to something that he disapproves or despise. However, G. is more mature and responsible and always thinks first before acting, which makes him helpful and reliable right-hand man as stated by Tsuna when he disguised himself as Gokudera at his trial. However, Fon noted that when G. was younger, G. shared Gokudera's rash, naive, short-tempered traits. He's fiercely loyal to Giotto and his friends and those who earn his respect. Like Gokudera, he's not easy to forgive someone whom he views as an enemy or a traitor, evidenced when G. stated that he hadn't forgiven Daemon and insisted on stopping him when Giotto ordered them to watch Daemon's Trial.

Vongola Primo's Guardians

Also known as Vongola Primo, Giotto was the man who was directly responsible for the creation of the Vongola Famiglia. While Giotto had a calm personality and the comprehensive disposition to accept anyone, he also had a strong sense of justice and was known for actively pursuing what he thought was right. This trait led him to create a vigilante group that protected common citizens when he was in his early teens. Originally an ideal and righteous organization, this group would eventually grow into the mafia Famiglia known as Vongola after he was forced to step down and handed the boss position to Ricardo, the man known as Vongola Secondo. 

Giotto's childhood friend who later became known as Vongola Primo's right-hand man in the Vongola Famiglia. In the past, he always sided with Giotto's ideas and gave his greatest efforts to support his friends. G. once commented that despite the fact Giotto gave him a lot of trouble by making him go along with his unreasonable acts, he never regretted following his friend. Around the time that he and Giotto started their team of vigilantes, they were asked "what can a bunch of brats possibly accomplish?", motivating them to protect the townspeople to the best of their ability. He was the first man to take up the title of Storm Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia, and was a skilled fighter in both mid-ranged and close combat. During jobs, he usually made use of guns that he devotedly practiced how to handle. However, when acting on Vongola Primo's personal requests, he instead used the archery set he received from Vongola Primo himself and was never defeated. 

Ugetsu Asari was a Japanese man who was a close friend of Vongola Primo, also known as a swordsman that was unrivaled in talent. Surprisingly, Asari never bothered to obtain a sword of his own, instead devoting himself to his love for music and becoming a skilled player of the flute. However, when he heard that his foreign friend, Vongola Primo, was in danger, Asari didn't hesitate to sell the instruments that he prized more than his life in order to pay for the weapons and travel expenses he needed to go to help Primo.
The first man to take up the title of Rain Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia, Asari Ugetsu had a friendly and easy-going personality. He also spoke in a very polite form of speech and wore clothes that would usually belong to a man of high status in Japan of his time.
Knuckle was a Catholic priest that hid a dark past under his friendly appearance. In the past, he was once an undefeated boxer who wished for the title of the strongest. However, his excessive strength caused him to kill an opponent by accident during a match. Filled with regret, he sealed away his fists, never again stepping inside a ring, and sought repentance by working to serve God. At one time however, during a moment of crisis for the Vongola Famiglia, he gave himself a time-limit of three minutes and saved the Famiglia with his fists, therefore becoming the Sun Guardian in the Vongola Famiiglia.

Alaude was a solitary individual who once stood at the top of the secret intelligence service of a certain country and the founder of CEDEF, thus make him the first Vongola External Advisor. However, he liked to remain alone without indulging to others and never kept his pace with the rest of the Famiglia. However, it has been said that on the occasion when Vongola Primo's justice overlapped with his own, Alaude defeated more enemies than anybody else and was more considerate towards his allies than anybody else.
He was the first man to take up the title of Cloud Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia and known the strongest Guardian, similarly to how Hibari doesn't like when people get into groups and also known to be the strongest Guardian of 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Alaude too disliked associating himself with others due to feeling bound. That being said, he was a serious character that acknowledged his responsibilities as a Vongola Guardian. 

Lampo was the young son of a land proprietor who was arrogant and spoiled to a fault. He was once described as being ignorant about human society. He has the bad habit of glorifying himself and looking down on others and wants people to go along with his selfish desires. That being said, he seems to respect Vongola Primo to the point of being unable to defy or refuse a request from him. The first man to take up the title of Lightning Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia, he has a cowardly nature in a way similar to the young Lambo. Still, he is surprisingly strong and on one occasion Primo entrusted the role of leading the frontlines during a battle. Lambo's 15 year old self resembles Lampo.
Daemon Spade was an aristocrat who detested his own heritage, for he felt that aristocrats had no social standing and were worthless. He joined Vongola after his lover, Elena, introduced him to Vongola Primo, and since then, he dedicated himself to the Famiglia to protect the weak and defenseless people. However, after Elena's death, he became the most shady character among the members of the first generation family. His beliefs and motivations changed to a complete mismatch with the rest and his loyalty is dubious at best. His creed is that the Vongola should be a heartless organization that subjugates everything with force in order to properly lead the mafia world, going along with his misinterpretation of Elena's dying wish of "making the Vongola strong". He destroyed anything and anyone that could have weakened the Vongola behind Primo's back. At one point, he betrayed Vongola Primo and forced his resignation from the position of boss due Primo's inability to overcome his soft heart. Afterwards, he was the only one to remain behind in the Vongola and eventually became Vongola Secondo's Mist Guardian. Still, Primo continued to hold Daemon dear as one of his Guardians and Daemon himself discreetly still treasured his bond with Primo and the other Guardians, as he never let go of the pocket-watch that proved their friendship. Daemon was the first man to take up the title of Mist Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia and so far the only one known to maintain the position of Guardian for two generations in a row. He was already an infamous individual by the time of the formation of the Vongola Famiglia. There was a rumor that those who Daemon glared at with his monocle would be cursed and appeared floating on the sea in the next day.

Basil [バジル]

Age: 15
       25 (in the future arc)
Title: CEDEF apprentice 
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: July 23
Blood Type: O
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Family: ?
Fandom Number: 84
Flame: Rain

Simon Decimo's Guardians

The tenth generation boss of the Simon Famiglia, Enma is a gloomy and introverted transfer student at Namimori Middle School. He previously attended Simon Middle School with the other members of his Famiglia before an earthquake hit their area. Not much information is revealed about his past except for the fact that due to Vongola Primo's "betrayal" to Cozarto Simon, the Simon Famiglia shrunk in power; because of this, Enma's family suffered persecution since he was young, and grew up resentful towards the Vongola Famiglia, his resentment fueled further when Daemon Spade, disguised as Iemitsu Sawada, murdered his mother, father, and sister. Enma possesses the Earth Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth.

Adelheid Suzuki:
A member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, Adelheid is a strict and reliable member of the Famiglia and is often the one to take care of the other family members. She too, previously attended Simon Middle School with her Family before the earthquake and was subsequently transferred to Namimori Middle School. She is fiercly loyal to the Famiglia cause and expects the other Simon members to show the same amount of loyalty no less. Not much is known of her past except for the fact that she had attempted to carry the burden of the Simon Famiglia and broke down as a result; it is also implied that she was romantically involved with Julie Katou before Daemon Spade possessed his body to use as a vessel. Adelheid possesses the Glacier Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth.

Julie Katou/ Daemon Spade:
A member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, Julie is shown to be a carefree and relaxed individual, often ignoring his Family duties, resulting in frequent clashes with Adelheid. Previously attending Simon Middle School, he and the rest of the Simon Famiglia transfer to Namimori Middle School after an earthquake hit their area. He is the most detached member of the current Simon Famiglia and is not on good terms with the rest of its members; however, it is later shown that Julie was being possessed by Daemon Spade for an untold period of time, and that the real Julie Katou was unconscious. Not much is known about his past except for the fact that he may have been romantically involved with Adelheid Suzuki at some point as seen from a flashback. Julie possesses the Desert Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth. 

Kaoru Mizuno:
A tall and muscular member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, Kaoru, along with the rest of his family, transferred from Simon Middle School to Namimori Middle School after the earthquake. Kaoru is noticeably the oldest of the Simon Guardians and does not resemble a middle schooler. Despite his fearsome appearance, he is shy and timid at heart, though he seems to easily resort to violence when he feels threatened (he is known as "The Hospitalizing Devil Kaoru" by Koyo). Kaoru possesses an unknown Flame that is part of the Seven Flames of the Earth.

Koyo Aoba: 
A member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, Koyo, like Ryohei, has a love for boxing and refers to himself as "The Hope of the Boxing World". He transferred to Namimori Middle School along with the rest of the Simon Famiglia members after the earthquake. Koyo is extremely brash but loyal to his Family, becoming enraged when others talk negatively about it. Despite this, Koyo seems to be on bad terms with the other Family members as he frequently makes fun of Enma and calls Julie "lazy"; he seems to have more respect towards women, however. Like Enma, he has an extraordinary amount of hatred and resentment towards the Vongola. Koyo possesses the Forest Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth.

Rauji Ooyama:
A member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, Rauji is a large but quiet guardian for his Family who also transferred from Simon Middle School to Namimori Middle School due to an earthquake. He does not seem to have problems with taking orders from others and was shown to be an extremely kind and considerate member of the Family, often protecting Enma from bullies on their way home from school, later, it is shown that Rauji is also quite cruel and fiercely loyal to Enma, whom he has great respect for. He too, has a hatred towards the Vongola Famiglia, but acknowledges Lambo as a friend. Rauji possesses the Mountain Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth.

P. Shitt:
A member of the tenth generation Simon Famiglia, P. Shitt is very intelligent and confident, she has the most eccentric look of all the members of her Family. P. Shitt and her Family transferred from Simon Middle School to Namimori Middle School after an earthquake hit their area. Her pride contradicts that of Gokudera's, who fights for his Family and Tsuna, while P. loves herself and fights on behalf of herself. Despite this, she mentions later in the manga that she "wishes she had met Gokudera sooner" and expresses an interest in him. P. Shitt possesses the Swamp Flame of the Seven Flames of the Earth. 

Vongola Decimo's Guardians

Also known as the “Vongola Decimo”, the 10th Generation Boss who is said to have inherited the will of the First Vongola Boss, Giotto, Tsuna became the reluctant boss of the Vongola, often denying his role. Tsuna doesn't see himself as the boss, but rather fights to protect those he cares about.
Tsuna has a tendency to accept anyone, even past enemies, a trait which he shares with the Vongola Primo.
Respected by his Guardians and the current Vongola boss, the Ninth, Tsuna is said to have what it takes to steer the Vongola to what it originally was, a vigilante group, and clear its blood-stained name.
Tsuna's understanding of his Guardians and acceptance of past enemies fulfills the role of the Vongola Sky Boss which is "Rain, Storm, Cloud, Sun, Mist, and Lightning, he influences all of them. He understands and accepts all of them."

The Storm Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Gokudera follows his boss through thick and thin, and initially didn't mind dying for the sake of the Vongola. However, after getting to know his boss better, Gokudera's suicide-like tendencies subsided, and now looks to somehow survive each battle, so as to be able to laugh with his friends again once the battle is over.
Gokudera's pride is in being a Guardian, and in the future he achieves his dream of becoming the right hand man of Tsuna. He's said to resemble his predecessor G. in personality and fighting style. His fighting style and personality fits the role of the Vongola Guardian of Storm, which is "Continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious Storm that never rests."

The Rain Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Yamamoto initially believed that the "mafia" was a game being played by his friends, and joined willingly, eager to be part of the group.
Yamamoto is the sole swordsman among the Guardians, a trait he shares with the 1st Generation Vongola Rain Guardian Asari Ugetsu. Yamamoto is extremely proud of his sword style, the Shigure Soen, which he inherited from his father, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, often saying that his sword style is a perfect style and second to none, and will not let anyone look down on it.
Although generally friendly, Yamamoto is quite powerful in battle, often defying the odds by beating opponents said to be more powerful than him. His agility and reflexes have people calling him a natural-born hitman.
Yamamoto is one of the more calm people among the 10th Generation Guardians, and has often solved any squabbles that may arise, and thus fulfills the role of the Rain Guardian which is "To become a blessed shower that settles conflict and washes everything away."  

The highly energetic Sun Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Ryohei has the tendency to overdo whatever he sets out to do. Whether its a 1000 push-ups or early morning jogs, Ryohei does whatever it takes to stay in prime condition.
Ryohei's pride is his boxing, a trait he shares with the First Generation Sun Guardian Knuckle. He is willing to bet it all on his boxing and bases his fights on the rules of boxing, such as a fight always being one-on-one. The Sun Guardian of the Vongola Famiglia does whatever is required of him to protect his friends, Famiglia, and family, even if it puts his own body at risk, and thus fulfills the role of the Vongola Sun Guardian, which is "Destroying the misfortune that attacks the Famiglia with their own body, they become the Sun that brightly shines upon an area." 

The Cloud Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, Kyoya Hibari is a person who hates crowds and prefers to be alone.
Often regarded as the strongest Guardian of the 10th Generation Famiglia, Hibari has a lust for battle, and enjoys battling strong opponents. The respect he has for a person depends on the strength of the individual.
Hibari's lone wolf attitude is a trait he shares with the first generation Cloud Guardian, Alaude, as they both hated company, and prefered to do things alone. Although he has the tendency to distance himself from the rest of the Famiglia, Hibari will step in if his comrades are in danger. His ability in battle and his lone wolf attitude fulfills the role of the Cloud Guardian in the Vongola Famiglia, which is "To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Family from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind".  

The Lightning Guardian of the 10th Generation Vongola Famiglia, originally from the Bovino Famiglia, Lambo is a 5-year-old kid with an overly large ego. Lambo is by far the youngest 10th generation Guardian, and, as such, the rest of the Guardians try to keep him out of battle as much as they possibly can.
Lambo has the tendency to irritate those around him with his behavior and way of thinking. However his family care for him greatly, going to great lengths to keep him safe.
The few times that Lambo does battle, he uses the Ten Year Bazooka to switch with his 15 year old self. As a 15 year old, Lambo's combat capabilities have greatly improved, and he gives off a calmer and more subtle aura. When he uses the Ten Year Bazooka on his 15 year old self, he switches with his 25 year old self. With his powers improved greatly, 25 year old Lambo can summon a much powerful attack.
Due to being struck by lightning countless times, Lambo's physiology has changed in such a way that Lambo's skin can easily conduct electricity, thus allowing him to fulfill the role of the Vongola Lightning Guardian, which is "To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Famiglia, serving as a lightning rod." 

The 10th Generation Vongola Mist Guardian, Mukuro was initially an enemy of the 10th Generation Famiglia, looking to take over Tsuna's body in his bid to destroy the Mafia; however, after his defeat at the hands of Tsuna, Tsuna's father, Iemitsu Sawada, offered him the position of the Mist Guardian in return for protecting his friends, Ken and Chikusa. Since then, Mukuro has aided the Vongola many times, always stating that he will one day take over Tsuna. However, due to Mukuro being locked away in the Vendicare Prison, his participation is limited. Due to this, Chrome Dokuro, one of his followers, assumes the role of the Mist Guardian during his absence. If the situation demands it, Mukuro can take over Chrome's body and fight. Mukuro's way of deceit and his mastery of illusions fullfills the role of the Vongola Mist Guardian, which is "Creating something from nothing, and nothing from something; thus bewildering the enemy, to render the Famiglia's true form intangible with visions of deceit."

The co-Vongola Mist Guardian. She is Mukuro's subordinate who acted as his vessel while Mukuro was imprisoned in Vendicare Prison. She was originally named Nagi until she almost died in a traffic accident trying to save a cat where she lost many of her inner organs. That lead to her meeting with Mukuro in his dream world, who saved her life by creating illusionary organs for her, renaming her "Chrome Dokuro." Her personality vastly contrasts with Mukuro's; while Mukuro is cold and intimidating, Chrome is shy and timid. Due to her nature, she would never open up to anyone and would run away from any sign of kindness. However, through the encouragement from her friends, Chrome slowly broke through from her shell and became determined to become strong to fulfill her role as Guardian and to protect those who she held dear.  

Simon Familigia

Simon Familigia Emblem
Current Boss: Enma Kozato
Kanji Title: シモンファミリー
Literal Meaning: Reputation
Allied Familigia: Vongola Familigia

The Simon Familigia is a Familigia which has had ties with the Vongola Familigia ever since the founding of their Familigias, their respective bosses being best friends. However, over time, they've become an extremely small and weak Familigia, so much so that Reborn, who has an extensive knowledge of the Mafia world, didn't know about them.
Their current members used to attend Simon Middle School, but moved to Namimori due to the Vongola Decimo's Inheritance Ceremony being held there as well as their area being an earthquake-prone zone.

The founders of the Simon Familigia and the Vongola Familigia were said to be excellent friends who would never fight each other; however, due to Daemon Spade's plotting, the 10th Simon Famiglia generation were led to believe that Giotto had betrayed Cozarto Simon, leaving him and his Familigia to die.
The grudge from this incident was still evident, as the current Simon Familigia wanted revenge on the Vongola for what had transpired.
The Simon Familigia don't use the standard Dying Will Flames, which are called the Seven Flames of the Sky, but are the first and only known Familigia to use the Seven Flames of the Earth, a power said to be able to rival the Seven Flames of the Sky. All seven guardians lost their parents at an early age.  

The Ring Holders: 
The Ring Holders of the Simon Familigia are the chosen holders of the Simon Rings, its Flames represented by the seven landscape phenomena that make up the Earth: Forest, Mountain, Swamp, Glacier, Desert, and another unknown phenomena. There is only one complete generation known, the 10th generation.

Simon Cozarto [ シモン・コザァート]

Simon Cozarto
Status: Deceased
Title: Simon Primo
Gender: Male
Family: ?
Fandom Letter: C
Flame: Earth

Cozarto Simon was the first boss of the Simon Famiglia. He lived at the same time as Giotto. They were friends and treated each other like brothers. His blood was used in the Vongola Sin. Orders to protect Simon's grave have been passed down from generation to generation. It was not until an earthquake, which was supposedly caused when Tsuna and his Family returned from the future, uncovered treasures from his grave - the Simon Rings. Cozarto appears to have the similar abilities to Enma, as seen by the crest generated around his gauntlet, which is the same as Enma's. 

Vongola Familigia

Vongola Familigia Emblem
Current Boss: Timoteo
Future Boss: Tsunayoshi Sawada
Kanji Title: ボンゴレファミリー 
Literal Meaning: Clam
Allied Familigia: Chiavarone Familigia
                     Tomaso Familigia
                     Bovino Familigia
                     Simon Familigia
                     Nuevo Familigia
                     Beccio Familigia
                     Difo Familigia 
Organizations: Varia
                    Kokuyo Junior High Gang
                    Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee 

About the Familigia:
The Vongola Familigia has long since been the most powerful Mafia Familigia in all of Italy. Several other Familigias serve under the Vongola umbrella, including several members of the infamous Arcobaleno. Even when there is internal strife, members of the Vongola stand united to repel attack from opposing families, living up to their title as the best and the strongest.
The Vongola came into being after Cozarto Simon suggested to Giotto, the Vongola Primo, that he create a vigilante group in order to protect the people. From then on, each generation of the Vongola Familigia has donned formal attire when risking their lives to fullfill this duty. The Vongola originally started as a vigilante organization, but their ways gradually changed during Vongola Secondo's reign, starting to turn towards violence and crime.
The influence of the Vongola is worldwide, and it was said that no Familigia can match them in terms of size, tradition, rules, or power, and due to this, the boss of the Vongola is considered by many to be the capo di tutti capi, or the "Boss of all Bosses". At the moment, the Vongola Familigia is led by the Vongola Nono, Timoteo, but he will soon be succeeded by the Vongola Decimo, Tsunayoshi Sawada.

The Vongola Family:
The Vongola is one of the largest Familigia in existence, having an extremely large following. The Vongola is unique in its structure in that it accepts other Familigias to become a part of their power, and, as such, has other Familigias beneath them. 

Blood of Vongola:
The Vongola Bosses are known for having the power to see through all, a trait passed down from Vongola Primo called Hyper Intuition. Vongola blood is said to be required in order for one to become a Boss candidate. 

The Guardians:
The Guardians are the chosen holders of the Vongola Rings, and they are represented by the 6 weather phenomena that paint the Sky: Rain, Storm, Cloud, Sun, Mist, and Lightning. The Guardians are the current boss's main Familigia members and they are considered the last line of defense for the Vongola. It is said that whenever the Familigia runs into trouble, the Guardians would unite to protect them. 

Ring Conflict:
The Vongola Boss and the External Advisor to the Familigia have equal power when it comes to choosing the next boss of the Familigia. In the event that they have different opinions as to who the rightful successor should be, the boss and the external advisor hand Half Vongola Rings to their chosen candidates, and battle for the rings commence. 

Vongola Succession Trial:
The Vongola Trial is a trial that every Vongola Boss must pass in order to gain a great power. The bosses need to be in a near-death experience in order to take the trial, and must be able to deal with the sins committed by the Familigia. 

Inheritance Ceremony:
The Vongola Inheritance Ceremony is when the Boss to be officially inherits the title of next Vongola Boss. Since the Vongola Familigia has far-reaching influence worldwide, powerful Familigias from all over the world will travel to attend the Ceremony and see the next Vongola Boss for themselves. Since the Ceremony is an important tradition for the Vongola Familigia, it is expected that some Mafia Familigias will either boycott the ceremony, attempt to assassinate the next Boss, or try to prevent the ceremony from taking place altogether.

Vongola Equipment: 
Vongola Rings:
The Vongola Rings are priceless, powerful Vongola treasures, and and are part of the Tri-ni-set (7³) policy, together with the Mare Rings and the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. The types of Flames emitted by Rings are named correspond to a color of the rainbow: orange for Sky, red for Storm, blue for Rain, purple for Cloud, green for Lightning, yellow for Sun, and indigo for Mist.
The Vongola Rings are held by the Boss of every generation of the Vongola and the six people most suited to be his/her Guardians. The Boss is always a natural born Sky type, while his guardians have an attribute corresponding to their Ring.
During the final battle between Tsunayoshi Sawada and Byakuran, Vongola Primo was summoned using the Miracle of Shield Dimension. Primo explained that due to the Vongola Rings being split between the boss and the external advisor, the Ring's total Flame output is restrained, making it significantly weaker compared to the Mare Rings and the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. When the rings are restored to their original form, great power is unleashed.

Vongola Box Weapons: 
The Vongola Box Weapons is a set of seven boxes specially made for the Vongola Guardians. These boxes does not only contain animals, but they also have the ability to transform into weapons. The Vongola Box Weapons were said to be commissioned by Vongola Decimo, and were turned into animal rings once Sawada Tsunayoshi and his guardians went back to the past. 

Vongola Sin:
The Vongola Sin is a small bottle that the Vongola Boss inherits at every generation that shows proof that the Vongola Boss Candidate has become boss. It was created by Primo to leave behind memories of his battles.
It resides in a special box with the Vongola crest that the current Boss protects. The existence of this bottle is a secret known only to the Vongola, and it was later revealed to be the blood of first Simon Boss, Cozarto Simon. 

The Penalty is a small bottle that contains the blood of Vongola Primo, and it has the ability to multiply the power of the Vongola Rings. The existence of Penalty was not known by the Vongola until Talbot revealed it in order to upgrade the Vongola Rings.  

Chiavarone Familigia

Chiavarone Familigia
Current Boss: Dino Cavallone
Kanji Title: キャバッロネファミリー
Literal Meaning: Big Horse
Allied Familigia: Vongola Familigia

The Chiavarone Familigia is the third Familigia in the Mafia alliance together with the Vongola Familigia. The Chiavarone Familigia is one of the largest Familigias, with over 5,000 members in its ranks, although only a few of them have been named. It is currently being led by its 10th generation Boss, Dino. Dino was Reborn's previous pupil before Tsuna, and as a result of Reborn's training, he is a capable Mafia Boss unless none of his subordinates are around him; in that case, he becomes extremely clumsy, although he himself is unaware of his problem. Dino has single-handedly raised the Chiavarone Familigia to a prominent position by fixing their finances.

Dino Cavallone [ディーノ]

Age: 22
       32 (in the future arc)
Title: Chiavarone Decimo
        Bucking Horse Dino
        Pipsqueak Dino
        Strongest Whip User
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 4
Blood Type: O
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Flame: Sky

Bianchi [ビアンキ]

Age: 17
       27 (in the future arc)
Title: Poison Scorpion
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: November 8
Blood Type: AB
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Family: Hayato Gokudera
Fandom Number: 88
Flame: Storm


Timoteo [ボンゴレ]

Age: 70
Title: Vongola Nono
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 17
Blood Type: A
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Family: Xanxus (son)
Flame: Sky

Enma Kozato [古里 炎真]

Enma Kozato
Age: ?
Title: Simon Decimo
        Loser Enma
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Blood Type: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Family: Makoto Kozato (father)
          Mami Kozato (sister)
Fandom Number: 00
Flame: Earth

Xanxus [ザンザス]

Age: 24
       34 (in the future arc)
Title: Varia Leader
        Vongola Decimo Candidate 
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 10
Blood Type: O
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Family: Timoteo (father)
Fandom Number: 10
Flame: Sky

Haru Miura [三浦ハル]

Haru Miura
Age: 14
       24 (in the future arc)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: May 3
Blood Type: B
Height: 156.5 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Fandom Number: 86

Kyoko Sasagawa [笹川 京子]

Kyoko Sasagawa
Age: 13 
       23 (in the future arc)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: March 4
Blood Type: O
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 45.5 kg 
Family: Ryohei Sasagawa (brother)
Fandom Number: 95

Reborn [りボーン]

Reborn (Arcobaleno)
Age: 2 (Arcobaleno)
Title: Sun Arcobaleno
        Katekyō Hitman
        World's Strongest Hitman
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 13
Height: 40 cm
Weight: 3.7 kg
Fandom Letter: R
Flame: Sun

Giotto [ヂオト]

Status: Deceased
Title: Vongola Primo
        Ieyasu Sawada
Gender: Male
Family: Vongola Primo's Guardians
Fandom Letter: G
Flame: Sky

Giotto is the founder of the Vongola Famiglia, and thus, its First Boss. He is also the creator of the Zero Point Breakthrough. After his retirement, he moved to Japan and started a family, making Tsuna his descendant. He is the great-great-great grandfather of Tsuna. Tsuna has repeatedly been shown to be similar to him, as they have the same weapon and techniques (including the Zero Point Breakthrough), similar appearances, and equally unorthodox Famiglias (the First Famiglia included kings, military men, rival mafiosos, and religious people). Their Guardians are quite similar as well: Yamamoto, Hibari, Mukuro, Lambo, Gokudera, and Ryohei have already been shown to be very much like their predecessors in appearance, weapon of choice, and personality.

He is shown to be a calm and collected leader that cares for his friends and Famiglia and is willing to protect them from harm. He also has a strong sense of justice and actively pursuing of what he believes is right for the people, which is why he formed the Vongola Famiglia. He is similar to Tsuna in many aspects, especially their soft nature that Daemon Spade once had commented on. Likewise, Reborn has once stated that Vongola Primo was the kind of person who accepted anyone into the Famiglia, regardless of background. He is also shown to highly value friendship and other bonds that he has with people he knows and is a forgiving person that never hold any grudges against people; when Daemon betrayed him, Giotto still considered him as one of his Guardians.

Giotto has golden blonde hair and his eyes are a sharp orange tone, the same as Tsuna's when he is in Hyper Dying Will Mode. When not in Hyper Dying Will Mode, his irises are a lighter shade of orange. He wears a black suit with white pinstripes and a white undershirt with a black tie. He also wears a long cape with a golden, decorated attachment, which later becomes Natsu's Cambio Forma. Throughout his appearances in the anime, he has always been shown in Hyper Dying Will Mode.  

Giotto was the founder of the Vongola and said to be the most powerful Sky Boss. Giotto and his Guardians founded the Vongola, not to be the mafia that they are now, but to be a vigilante group to help the people. At some point during his reign as the First Vongola Boss, he feared that Vongola would start to fight for self-interest and decided to disband his military forces, which caused Vongola territory to be open to attack, and, as a result, killed a duke's daughter and one of their members, Elena. This event led Giotto to be betrayed by his own Guardian, Daemon Spade, who wanted the Vongola to be more than they were at that point in order to fulfill his promise to Elena, his lover at the time.
After the betrayal, Giotto sealed the true power of the Vongola Rings, as he didn't trust what the Vongola would become and retired to Japan.
Giotto had a very close relationship with the first Simon Famiglia boss, Cozarto Simon. They were said to be so close that they would never cross swords with each other. The two first met when both of them had similar intentions of helping out one of their neighbors. 



Iemitsu Sawada [沢田 家光]

Iemitsu Sawada
Age: 38
Title: CEDEF Boss
        No-Good Father
        Young Advisor 
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 15
Blood Type: A
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Family: Nana Sawada
          Tsunayoshi Sawada (son)
Fandom Number: 23 
Flame: Sky

Chrome Dokuro [クローム 髑髏]

Age: 13
Chrome Dokuro
        23 (in the future arc)
Title: Nagi
        Kokuyo Gang Member
        10th Vongola Mist Guardian
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: December 5
Blood Type: ?
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Fandom Number: 96
Flame: Mist

Mukuro Rokudo [六道 骸]

Rokudo Mukuro
Age: 15
        25 (in the future arc)
Title: Kokuyo Junior High Gang Boss
        Estraneo Famiglia test subject (former)
        10th Vongola Mist Guardian 
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 9
Blood Type: ?
Height: 177.5 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Family: ?
Fandom Number: 69 
Flame: Mist

Lambo [ランボ]

Lambo (10 years later)
Lambo (present)
Age: 5
       15 (10 years later)
       25 (20 years later)  
Title:10th Vongola                Lightning Guardian
       Stupid Cow
       Crybaby Lambo
Flame: Lightning
Fandom Letter: L   
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 28
Blood Type: A
Height:42 cm (present)
         179 cm                     (10 years later)
         184 cm (20 years later)
Weight: 4 kg (present)
         64 kg (10 years later)

73 kg (20 years later)

Lambo (20 years later)

Ryohei Sasagawa [笹川 了平]

Ryohei Sasagawa
Age: 15
       (25 in the future arc)
Title: 10th Vongola Sun Guardian
        Leader of the Namimori Boxing Club
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: August 26
Blood Type: A
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Family: Kyoko Sasagawa (sister)
Fandom Number: 33
Flame: Sun

Kyoya Hibari [雲雀 恭弥]

Kyoya Hibari
Age: 16
        (26 in the future arc)
Title: 10th Vongola Cloud Guardian
        Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee Leader
        Foundation Leader
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 5
Blood Type: ?
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Family: ?
Fandom Number: 18
Flame: Cloud